Clothing manufacturers, retailers, beer distributors and even the occasional snack food company know that to capture a piece of the buying public's eye, sex sells.

Risque poses using provocative models titillates the senses, making the person watching enraptured. That however is not the marketing idea we are referring to in the title. Mea culpa.

There is a term that journalists use when deciding whether to cover a story: it must be sexy. That does not refer to the fact the people involved are physically attractive. The idea is the story must be provoking enough to captivate the reader and elicit a response.

Marketing with the idea of something being sexy the way journalists cover a story is one sizzling inspiration.

Creativity is the cornerstone of a well designed marketing plan. From the mediums used to the message being relayed, eliciting a response takes a lot of hard work. There are millions of businesses worldwide offering billions of products and services. How then does a company become sexy enough in its advertising to stand out from the crowd?

Assuming you have determined your niche market (you have, haven't you?), look at what that niche is interested in. There are a number of analytical tools available for purchase but Google offers a free tool called Google Trends that can give up to date insight into what is of current interest. Once you have gotten a few inspirations, apply those thoughts to your marketing plan.

The power of marketing is not in saying the same thing in the same way the competition does. The power of marketing lies in being different from the rest. Does your service or product correlate in any way to a current news item? Use that to your advantage. Is there a popular event coming soon that can coincide with something you have to offer? Inundate your marketing mediums with those offers. Is there negative publicity about something overwhelming the marketplace? Do you have an alternative? Create a buzz by giving the public your solution.

During the spring primaries this year a local printer designed a pocket edition of the United States Constitution. The printer offered these booklets to local politicians at a great price along with the ability to have the giver's logo and contact information front and center. The back of the booklet had the printer's data and a small ad about their services along with a website for more information. The booklet was unique, timely and a creative way to have not only the client advertised, but the printer as well. So many households received the booklets that the local news interviewed the printer about his idea. Business has tripled the last few months.

Sex in marketing is not always about the physical aspect of graphics. Sex in marketing is also about giving the public something to talk about. If they talk about it they will research it. If they research it they will find you. If they find you they will purchase.


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