Give Her Fantastic, Extraordinary and Mind-Blowing Sex That Makes Her Happy Beyond Words!

 First of all, this article is going to be very long, so bare with me, it's all worth it in the end. "Instant gratification doesn't come instantly". If you don't have mutual love for each other as man and woman, where you feel that you both trust, cherish, respect and support each other, this is probably not going to help you much in the sense that the relationship is going to become better for each day. Maybe if you work for it and pay attention to your other half, it will eventually.     

This article is for those of you that know they are at that stage and find themselves wanting more than their every day "Hello honey, how are you today? How's your day been? What's for dinner? I took the kids to soccer practice, did you do the laundry" You know, the platonic on the surface kind of relationship. What I want to address, is the deeper level of communication between two sexually active people.

So what is it that you have to do in order to get that thing in your life handled, that thing that bugs the hell out of you and you don't know why the sex is sinking and why your relationship is getting less and less impersonal. Where you can really feel the closeness disappearing further away into the abyss. Women are different from men, but not as complicated as you might think.

Sure sometimes they'll act in a way that is totally contradictory the next. But from a womans perspective, it's not. Anyway I want to go over some physiological and some psychological things that will aid you in your understanding of how women think, act and feel. This is very very important of your overall frame of mind. I can't stress the significance of this enough.


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